

You know what I hate about death? No, it's not the dieing part...

It's the ridiculous amount of importance and *respect* placed upon a person once there dead...


Here lies a man, a man who annoyed everyone he ever came in contact with... A retarded jockey with nothing to do with his spare time than make fun of the people around him, make stupid comments about all the little things people do wrong around him and refused to work as a team with anyone in the environment... The same dick who duck taped you to a freaking chair, threw your stuff out the window and craped on your cupcake...
He never admitted it, never apologized and was a complete dick!
"Oh, don't say that... Have some respect for the dead."
Well WTF for? All my life i have wanted this guy to drop dead and now, finally, he did... And I can't be happy about it?
Screw that... This guy was a prick!

And then... The elegy... I hate these things... All it is to me is a fifteen minute summary of an individual's life leaving out all the bad parts... For most people fifteen minutes is all you are left with after taking out all the sh!t he did!

Here's an example:
"Today we lay to rest a man who loved his country and saw great things for his people. A man both commanding and determined... A man who's vision was far reaching and influenced many...
Artistic and outspoken he immediately grabbed the attention of man kind world wide...
Today we lay to rest mister ADOLF HITLER!"

Almost sounded like he was a good guy for a minute there... Didn't it...

I thing elegy's should be based on truth...
"Here lies some prick who was a murderous asshole who also had self esteem issues and was a mediocre artist at best...
Here lies mister Adolf Hitler...
May worms nod out his eyes and may Satan violate his rectum with a pitchfork!"


You get a few elegy's like this into the mix and you might just get more people to join these f****** lame ass, boring, life darning funeral's...

It's just an opinion... But most would agree...
