Once more we need to make ourselves heard... It seems SOPA and PIPA went down... But from it's ashes a new threat to our freedom and rights has arisen...
Now we are faced with ACTA...
The large corporations are unable to adapt there business to the Internet and so do whatever they can to control it... So... What is ACTA and why is it so important to stand against it?
ACTA, or anti counterfeiting trade agreement, is an legislative initiative to create internationally accepted standards for the protection of intellectual properties...
It's quite simply a law to protect copyright...
It was first signed on the first of October 2011 by several countries like: Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and USA. By signing it these countries ask that the production of counterfeited goods, generic medicine and the distribution of pirated material on the Internet is stopped...
To the vast majority it may sound quite harmless... Just businessmen trying to protect there business... WRONG! The situation is not as pink as they try to make it seem... Behind the positive intentions these jackasses are pushing lies the desperate need for them to control the flux of free information on the Internet, which will then be restricted and punished...
The problem is this my friends... There already are several laws meant to protect copyright... But for those cockblasters running large corporations these are insufficient... Those laws do not permit them to profit as much as they might want...
Problem is this... If this law will be passed in this summer our beloved Internet as we know it now will disappear for ever...
You might think this will not affect you directly... You might even think "Well this is good... Those darn pirates who steal good peoples Internets will be punished" or "Well I don't see the problem. I don't download anything"... You bunch of nitwitted morons... You blind motherfuckers...
You can't see what this will mean for us... Here, I will explain... First of all, according to ACTA, all Internet providers are obligated to police your and our freedom... They will keep our Internet history under surveillance... That means they will follow and report all your action on the Internet, every little thing you do... They will keep a history of every site you have ever visited (even your filthy porn) and all the files you have ever shared... This is done to verify every possible form of piracy... If you are caught you risk several sanctions...
For one you can permanently lose your Internet access and will be forced to connect with another ISP... Or, faced with the owners of the copyright you have violated (if they press charges) and are sued for several hundreds / thousands of dollars or might even risk up to 5 years of prison... You actually risk 5 years of prison of that messily piece of crap mp3 you downloaded...
Can you imagine this? Those people consider piracy (no mater how small) more dangerous than crime, murder, sexual harassment (or even rape) and drug dealing... WHY?!?!?!?
But wait... It gets worse... Some of you might think " So what... I'm just gonna buy that mp3" and "Big deal. No more free music and stuff"... Well they solved that too... This act will make it so that even if you are filming yourself, your children, your dog or whoever you want and you have music playing in the background, or video on TV, you are breaking the law, and risk the same penalties as above...
Pretty cool, eh? Going to jail because you uploaded a video of yourself getting smashed in a pub, because you wanted to show the wold how badass you are... For the music playing th in the pub... You are going to jail for THAT!!!
BUT WAIT! I have more for you... More reasons to protest...
If you have any form of material for which you do not posses any form of license or copyright on your laptop, mp3, tablet pc, and/or telephone and you find yourself at the border or in an airport, the authorities have the right to scan your device for these materials...
If you are caught with such materials you will; be detained, the laptop, mp3, tablet pc, and/or telephone will be confiscated or destroyed and you again risk a hefty fine or prison...
So... IS this it?... Are they done?
NO! More is coming...
As we all know the Internet is an environment where we can express our dislikes regarding our government and/or political figures freely, right? Yeah, for now!
If ACTA will be official we can say goodbye to all our protesting, campaigns, videos or posts that unmask political fraud or even corrupt politicians... Thats because ACTA will place power in the hands of those bill-pushing political monkey slave-chimps... They will have the power to silence anyone at free will...
With ACTA we can say goodbye to sites like: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, 9gag or Failblog and other similar sites and rights that we have enjoyed on the Internet... Like the right of free expression...
The dumb part is here... In January 2012 the member states of the European Union, one of which is Romania, signed this agreement... Currently 31 states/countries have signed it...
The Romanian minister of communication, which I have never seen talk in public, sighed this like: "Duuuuhh, I know no how to write... I only know write name... I write name on pretty ACTA paper! Hurr Durr Durr"... GOOD JOB, RETARD! DAMN THE INTERNET YOU CUNT!
The representatives of Romania signed this agreement without bringing this to the attention of the public... Te people were not notified regarding this decision, everything taking place in a secretive manner, far from the media and public... Nobody asked us (the actual users on the Internet, the Internet itself if you may) for our opinion.
The final decision belongs to the European parliament...
We all can, and have to do something... Inform your family and friends...