You know what annoys me ?
The way the media takes advantage of it's audience... Like when you go to see a movie and you are sitting in the theater and for like 20 minutes before the movie you have to sit through commercials like car commercials, soda commercials and condescending advertising belittling you because you didn't buy your ticket on-line...
F*** those people WITH THE LAWN GNOME!!!
I'm just sick of being stuck somewhere watching some bitch of a commercial for some crap I don't want...
And it doesn't end at the theater, it's even in your computer... No matter what you want to watch you ave to sit through some idiotic commercial before...
I tired of clicking some "X" each time I watch a clip on YT!
Wanna watch the new episode of RWJ? Sure... Just after this add...
Wanna watch the news? Hold on there... Here's a new dog sh!t remover you need to know about!
And before you know it you won't be able to open your front door without some add paging on your sidewalk... I don't go outside so I'm fine with that... I'm just saying... Advertising has become a necessary evil to a certain extent... It is used to pay for certain things and ensures certain sides of a business... However when i go to a movie theater and I'm already paying for a movie ticket why the f*** do i have to sit through commercials... What are they paying for... The popcorn? Erm... Sorry... Already payer for that... 5 lei... Maybe the adds cover my soda... Wait, no... 5 lei... Maybe, just maybe I will get a commemorative trinket from the movie i just saw... Not really... That's going to be even more than the ticket, the popcorn and the soda put together...
So what it looks like to me here is that advertising in movie theaters don't really pay for anything... I get no discount, no free candy, no cookies, not even a god damn taco crust! I... GET... SH!T... All I get is bombarded with crap, insulted by morons and taken advantage of by paper pushing cocksuckers... This is life and it f****** sucks...
Stand by for a message from our sponsors...
The morons suicide guide to the afterlife... Available in stores now...
Batteries not included f******!
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