
Save the planet!

Let me start off by saying I'm all for the environment... Cause I live in it... And it's in my best interest to keep it clean...
But I hate the god damn environmental Nazi propaganda being spewed out by everyone and there mother! This is only to fear people into *going green*... Freakin' green Nazi...
I don't know about you, but I'm not brain-dead and I do NOT need to be lectured about the *serious ramifications I'm having on the environment*...
I don't need a uptight moron bitching at me because I bought something in a plastic cup...
"That will remain in a landfill for hundreds of years..."
And speaking of landfills... THAT'S WHAT THE BRAINS OF THESE LECTURING ASSHOLES ARE... Mental landfills eagerly open to any idea dumped into there hallow skulls just as long it gives them a mightier than now feeling and a sense of a validated existence... Get over yourself!
But what's even worse are the mass manufactured shirts for 4 year olds that say "Go Green" or "Stop global warming" with a picture of a sweating penguin on it... Way to go... Encourage the purchase of mass manufactured, wearable propaganda, created by child labor located in some 3rd world country, in a factory that's spewing out more fumes than a tire fire!
Thanks Lil' Ms Soccer-Mom... Now you can pick up your "Go Green", Apollo wearing brats in your gas-guzzling SUV, but not before stopping by your best friends house to talk about how awesome you are because you recycled your newspaper...
And speaking of children... Having kids is the worst thing you can do for the environment... Yeah... They are biodegradable... But think about it... You just brought into the world one or two, or in some cases twelve, little beings that will waste billions of dollars in valuable resources throwout there lifetime...
So the next time you plan to lecture someone about there "abundant use of resources" take a look at that picture of A.D.D. Annie or Down Syndrome Donnie and remember... You f***** the planet most than anybody else just because you couldn't keep your legs closed at prom night... Alright?
But if you are really serious about saving the planet you can always sacrifice your children to the goddess of nature... WOOHOO! NATURE!
But, in all seriousness, most people aren't that committed... Which is just lame...
So until then I don't want to hear sh!t about my f****** little plastic cup... OK???
On a similar note tho, why don't environmentalists just kill themselves in a mass protest suicide... I mean... Nobody should know more about the impact of man on the environment than they do... Right? Right?
People are causing all the problems then logically we need less people... So if you are an environmentalist and you don't kill yourself you are just being selfish... Just by being alive you are killing the planet... You can't go green if you are breathing... THE END!
Resource wasting, self righteous bastards...

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