You know what I hate about death? No, it's not the dieing part...
It's the ridiculous amount of importance and *respect* placed upon a person once there dead...
Here lies a man, a man who annoyed everyone he ever came in contact with... A retarded jockey with nothing to do with his spare time than make fun of the people around him, make stupid comments about all the little things people do wrong around him and refused to work as a team with anyone in the environment... The same dick who duck taped you to a freaking chair, threw your stuff out the window and craped on your cupcake...
He never admitted it, never apologized and was a complete dick!
"Oh, don't say that... Have some respect for the dead."
Well WTF for? All my life i have wanted this guy to drop dead and now, finally, he did... And I can't be happy about it?
Screw that... This guy was a prick!
And then... The elegy... I hate these things... All it is to me is a fifteen minute summary of an individual's life leaving out all the bad parts... For most people fifteen minutes is all you are left with after taking out all the sh!t he did!
Here's an example:
"Today we lay to rest a man who loved his country and saw great things for his people. A man both commanding and determined... A man who's vision was far reaching and influenced many...
Artistic and outspoken he immediately grabbed the attention of man kind world wide...
Today we lay to rest mister ADOLF HITLER!"
Almost sounded like he was a good guy for a minute there... Didn't it...
I thing elegy's should be based on truth...
"Here lies some prick who was a murderous asshole who also had self esteem issues and was a mediocre artist at best...
Here lies mister Adolf Hitler...
May worms nod out his eyes and may Satan violate his rectum with a pitchfork!"
You get a few elegy's like this into the mix and you might just get more people to join these f****** lame ass, boring, life darning funeral's...
It's just an opinion... But most would agree...
The "ZEN" fashion...
Now this... This...
This is something that's, simply put, setting my brain on explode is this profane pseudo-western Zen bulsh!t... This entire idea of becoming one with the universe is slowly but surely creeping into marketing... Like, for example, in fashion adds where they will show some skinny ass bitch sitting in some yoga position (that, if you ask me, is totally wrong) with a serene panted on grin while simultaneous dressed in some hideous garb... That is the antiphysis of Zen... The complete opposite...
But of course they try to pass these fashions as an accessory to universal piece within the soul! Yyeeeaaaah... Ok...
"A piece of sh!t ass scarf with little kittens on it is so Zen... Yeah... Nothing says *at piece with ones surroundings* like a see through bathing suit..."
If you didn't have that snorkel you would suffocate with your head up your own ass all the time...
And out of all the people they can possibly chose to interpret an image of Zen, why the f*** do they pick some skinny ass crack head model? I bet she is reeeeeeeeally Zen... Oh yeah... Really centered... Self centered that is...
EWER LOOK AT BUDDHA? Siddhartha Gautama is his real name if you really wish to know... Just putting it out there...
The guy was a FAT BASTARD! And honestly I think I know how he managed to hit enlightenment... He, simply put, didn't give a sh!t... He ate what he wanted, didn't care that he got fat, soaked up the sun, slept where he wanted and basically did only what he wanted to without caring for the consequences... He didn't bitch about the trials of life because he accepted each of the trials of life as a natural thing... As a part of it...
Can you imagine one of these up tight superstars and models that decided to represent the image of Zen not getting there way before a photo shoot or scene? Do you think they'd be all Zen about not getting there bowl of red only M&M's? Can you imagine them with a broken air conditioner? Do you think they'd still be all Zen about it? NO, I DON'T THINK SO!
Did you ever meat one of these neo-zen ass rammers who spew sh!t out of there mouth about how they take time out of there busy schedule to meditate and reflect upon all of life's complexness? Are these people kidding me? ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME?!?!?
Look folks... You are not Zen... You are not at piece with the universe... You are just a westerner who wants to be included in something mystical and meaningful just so you can emanate some kind of soft shelled mystical facade and try to gain some psychological leverage over those you speak too by belittling there, so called, undeveloped minds and carry on and are about yourself as if you were some kind of spiritual guru you can not possibly understand... GOT THAT?!?!?
And unfortunately the rest of us are the ones who have to sit through this pseudo-society-bulsh!t...
This is something that's, simply put, setting my brain on explode is this profane pseudo-western Zen bulsh!t... This entire idea of becoming one with the universe is slowly but surely creeping into marketing... Like, for example, in fashion adds where they will show some skinny ass bitch sitting in some yoga position (that, if you ask me, is totally wrong) with a serene panted on grin while simultaneous dressed in some hideous garb... That is the antiphysis of Zen... The complete opposite...
But of course they try to pass these fashions as an accessory to universal piece within the soul! Yyeeeaaaah... Ok...
"A piece of sh!t ass scarf with little kittens on it is so Zen... Yeah... Nothing says *at piece with ones surroundings* like a see through bathing suit..."
If you didn't have that snorkel you would suffocate with your head up your own ass all the time...
And out of all the people they can possibly chose to interpret an image of Zen, why the f*** do they pick some skinny ass crack head model? I bet she is reeeeeeeeally Zen... Oh yeah... Really centered... Self centered that is...
EWER LOOK AT BUDDHA? Siddhartha Gautama is his real name if you really wish to know... Just putting it out there...
The guy was a FAT BASTARD! And honestly I think I know how he managed to hit enlightenment... He, simply put, didn't give a sh!t... He ate what he wanted, didn't care that he got fat, soaked up the sun, slept where he wanted and basically did only what he wanted to without caring for the consequences... He didn't bitch about the trials of life because he accepted each of the trials of life as a natural thing... As a part of it...
Can you imagine one of these up tight superstars and models that decided to represent the image of Zen not getting there way before a photo shoot or scene? Do you think they'd be all Zen about not getting there bowl of red only M&M's? Can you imagine them with a broken air conditioner? Do you think they'd still be all Zen about it? NO, I DON'T THINK SO!
Did you ever meat one of these neo-zen ass rammers who spew sh!t out of there mouth about how they take time out of there busy schedule to meditate and reflect upon all of life's complexness? Are these people kidding me? ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME?!?!?
Look folks... You are not Zen... You are not at piece with the universe... You are just a westerner who wants to be included in something mystical and meaningful just so you can emanate some kind of soft shelled mystical facade and try to gain some psychological leverage over those you speak too by belittling there, so called, undeveloped minds and carry on and are about yourself as if you were some kind of spiritual guru you can not possibly understand... GOT THAT?!?!?
And unfortunately the rest of us are the ones who have to sit through this pseudo-society-bulsh!t...
Porn or boom?
Excuse me, I have a question. Why are people so retarded?
You people are trying to ban all my video games that are violent or have some sexual promiscuity to them!
It's always been like that! Movies, Video games, literature, comic books and so on... You tend to get uptight about both sex and violence...
And those are the two main ingredients on which humanity thrives... Then what's the problem?
It's just a matter of having these materials accessible to minors that makes people obtuse!
But not even that is correct...
I have been seeing kids play video games in which people are getting shot in the face, stabbed in the back, and/or get run over... Suddenly one little love scene shows up and all of a sudden we have to "save the children"? Screw the children!
That's convoluted... Convoluted and stupid!
That would mean the people are OK with people getting there heads blown off but an exposed Willy wreaks havoc around the world!
Moronic... As an individual what would you rather be subjected to? Sex or violence?
This should be up to the viewer to decide to its acceptability and not some censor!
You don't like it?
Change the channel, flip the page, close the window or just walk away!
Fucking bunch of twisted assholes...
You people are trying to ban all my video games that are violent or have some sexual promiscuity to them!
It's always been like that! Movies, Video games, literature, comic books and so on... You tend to get uptight about both sex and violence...
And those are the two main ingredients on which humanity thrives... Then what's the problem?
It's just a matter of having these materials accessible to minors that makes people obtuse!
But not even that is correct...
I have been seeing kids play video games in which people are getting shot in the face, stabbed in the back, and/or get run over... Suddenly one little love scene shows up and all of a sudden we have to "save the children"? Screw the children!
That's convoluted... Convoluted and stupid!
That would mean the people are OK with people getting there heads blown off but an exposed Willy wreaks havoc around the world!
Moronic... As an individual what would you rather be subjected to? Sex or violence?
This should be up to the viewer to decide to its acceptability and not some censor!
You don't like it?
Change the channel, flip the page, close the window or just walk away!
Fucking bunch of twisted assholes...
NO means NO!
I... Can't... Stand... People who can't take NO for an answer!
Ever had this happen to you? Like when one of your goofy ass friends insists on you watching a particular movie, or eating a particular dish, and for some reason you just don't feel like it... But that person insists...
It starts off slow like "Hey, dude, you wanna watch a movie?" and your all like "Nah man, not in the mood." and there all like "Ah come on man, it's an awesome movie! It's got gunfights!" and your all like "Not into action movies." and then there all like "Kevin Bacon's in it." and you go "Not a Kevin Bacon fan" but they say "It's also got that chick with really big boobs in it, man!" and you reply "That's not a reason to sit through two hours of crap!"... "It will be good!"... "Probably won't be!"... "Come on man."... "No! I don't wanna watch a movie!"... "Well, what else are you doing?"... "ANYTHING ELSE!"... "Lemme just pack this into the DVD player."... "ASSHOLE, I SAID NO! I DON'T WANNA WATCH YOUR SHITTY FUCKING SHITTY MOVIE YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER!"... "Aw, why you gotta be that way?"... "Because I told you fifteen times that I don't wanna watch a movie! And you just keep asking! You are pushing me to the level of becoming a prick! Now what? Fuck you, fuck your movie and go fuck yourself!"... "Erm, so you don't wanna watch it?"... "Yeah, just gimme that DVD for a sec... CRACK! There ya go asshole!"... "Man, your such a dick!"
Then you look like a fucking bad guy cause this asshole couldn't take a fucking hint!
Fucking persistent bastard... Movie sucks anyway...
I... Can't... Stand... People who can't take NO for an answer!
Ever had this happen to you? Like when one of your goofy ass friends insists on you watching a particular movie, or eating a particular dish, and for some reason you just don't feel like it... But that person insists...
It starts off slow like "Hey, dude, you wanna watch a movie?" and your all like "Nah man, not in the mood." and there all like "Ah come on man, it's an awesome movie! It's got gunfights!" and your all like "Not into action movies." and then there all like "Kevin Bacon's in it." and you go "Not a Kevin Bacon fan" but they say "It's also got that chick with really big boobs in it, man!" and you reply "That's not a reason to sit through two hours of crap!"... "It will be good!"... "Probably won't be!"... "Come on man."... "No! I don't wanna watch a movie!"... "Well, what else are you doing?"... "ANYTHING ELSE!"... "Lemme just pack this into the DVD player."... "ASSHOLE, I SAID NO! I DON'T WANNA WATCH YOUR SHITTY FUCKING SHITTY MOVIE YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER!"... "Aw, why you gotta be that way?"... "Because I told you fifteen times that I don't wanna watch a movie! And you just keep asking! You are pushing me to the level of becoming a prick! Now what? Fuck you, fuck your movie and go fuck yourself!"... "Erm, so you don't wanna watch it?"... "Yeah, just gimme that DVD for a sec... CRACK! There ya go asshole!"... "Man, your such a dick!"
Then you look like a fucking bad guy cause this asshole couldn't take a fucking hint!
Fucking persistent bastard... Movie sucks anyway...
You know what just pissed me off? I'm watching this Japanese cartoon and they dubbed the whole thing in English!
I want to know where they found these god awful voice actors... I mean the voice acting is just horrible... It doesn't fit with the animation, it doesn't have the same feeling as the original dialog and it just make the entire cartoon look and sound like crap... I'd rather have subtitles...
And it's not just here... It's in all dubbed cartoons, movies and shows...
Have you ever seen an American movie dubbed in Spanish?
It's so horrible it makes me wanna cut of my own ears and feed the to the dog...
Oh, and the jokes... Have you tried to translate a joke from one language to another? Dose... Not... Make... Sense...
Stupid ass linguistic cunt translator cunt wannabe director moron person!
I want to know where they found these god awful voice actors... I mean the voice acting is just horrible... It doesn't fit with the animation, it doesn't have the same feeling as the original dialog and it just make the entire cartoon look and sound like crap... I'd rather have subtitles...
And it's not just here... It's in all dubbed cartoons, movies and shows...
Have you ever seen an American movie dubbed in Spanish?
It's so horrible it makes me wanna cut of my own ears and feed the to the dog...
Oh, and the jokes... Have you tried to translate a joke from one language to another? Dose... Not... Make... Sense...
Stupid ass linguistic cunt translator cunt wannabe director moron person!
Yeah... That's right... I piss myself off!
Why might you ask?
Well... In fact it is quite simple...
You see i have all these paper planes that are zooming around my head, bombarding me with the ideas of what I hate, while I'm climbing a skyscraper while holding a freaking Twinkie! YOU ARE NOT GETTING MY TWINKIE!
I mentioned some of the many things that piss me off only to realize that I also fit in the description (maybe not entirely, but partially) of the things I despise...
I Tell people what I hate only to see that I also fit in that specific place...
I piss myself off by telling people to stop listening to idiots telling them how to live there lives only to see that I am also telling them how to live...
I lie to myself saying "I'm breaking my own rules with a better good in mind... I do this to help... I do this to teach them something..."
But what if there perception is not shared with my own... Witch it is not...
Yeah... A few days ago my GF told me that she is listening to my words of advice and life philosophies beacuse I'm older, more mature... Yeah right... If you know me you know how mature I am... Not at all...
I can't even follow my own mental laws... GOD DAMN IT!
Freaking piece of self righteous asshole...
Why might you ask?
Well... In fact it is quite simple...
You see i have all these paper planes that are zooming around my head, bombarding me with the ideas of what I hate, while I'm climbing a skyscraper while holding a freaking Twinkie! YOU ARE NOT GETTING MY TWINKIE!
I mentioned some of the many things that piss me off only to realize that I also fit in the description (maybe not entirely, but partially) of the things I despise...
I Tell people what I hate only to see that I also fit in that specific place...
I piss myself off by telling people to stop listening to idiots telling them how to live there lives only to see that I am also telling them how to live...
I lie to myself saying "I'm breaking my own rules with a better good in mind... I do this to help... I do this to teach them something..."
But what if there perception is not shared with my own... Witch it is not...
Yeah... A few days ago my GF told me that she is listening to my words of advice and life philosophies beacuse I'm older, more mature... Yeah right... If you know me you know how mature I am... Not at all...
I can't even follow my own mental laws... GOD DAMN IT!
Freaking piece of self righteous asshole...
You know what annoys me ?
The way the media takes advantage of it's audience... Like when you go to see a movie and you are sitting in the theater and for like 20 minutes before the movie you have to sit through commercials like car commercials, soda commercials and condescending advertising belittling you because you didn't buy your ticket on-line...
F*** those people WITH THE LAWN GNOME!!!
I'm just sick of being stuck somewhere watching some bitch of a commercial for some crap I don't want...
And it doesn't end at the theater, it's even in your computer... No matter what you want to watch you ave to sit through some idiotic commercial before...
I tired of clicking some "X" each time I watch a clip on YT!
Wanna watch the new episode of RWJ? Sure... Just after this add...
Wanna watch the news? Hold on there... Here's a new dog sh!t remover you need to know about!
And before you know it you won't be able to open your front door without some add paging on your sidewalk... I don't go outside so I'm fine with that... I'm just saying... Advertising has become a necessary evil to a certain extent... It is used to pay for certain things and ensures certain sides of a business... However when i go to a movie theater and I'm already paying for a movie ticket why the f*** do i have to sit through commercials... What are they paying for... The popcorn? Erm... Sorry... Already payer for that... 5 lei... Maybe the adds cover my soda... Wait, no... 5 lei... Maybe, just maybe I will get a commemorative trinket from the movie i just saw... Not really... That's going to be even more than the ticket, the popcorn and the soda put together...
So what it looks like to me here is that advertising in movie theaters don't really pay for anything... I get no discount, no free candy, no cookies, not even a god damn taco crust! I... GET... SH!T... All I get is bombarded with crap, insulted by morons and taken advantage of by paper pushing cocksuckers... This is life and it f****** sucks...
Stand by for a message from our sponsors...
The morons suicide guide to the afterlife... Available in stores now...
Batteries not included f******!
The way the media takes advantage of it's audience... Like when you go to see a movie and you are sitting in the theater and for like 20 minutes before the movie you have to sit through commercials like car commercials, soda commercials and condescending advertising belittling you because you didn't buy your ticket on-line...
F*** those people WITH THE LAWN GNOME!!!
I'm just sick of being stuck somewhere watching some bitch of a commercial for some crap I don't want...
And it doesn't end at the theater, it's even in your computer... No matter what you want to watch you ave to sit through some idiotic commercial before...
I tired of clicking some "X" each time I watch a clip on YT!
Wanna watch the new episode of RWJ? Sure... Just after this add...
Wanna watch the news? Hold on there... Here's a new dog sh!t remover you need to know about!
And before you know it you won't be able to open your front door without some add paging on your sidewalk... I don't go outside so I'm fine with that... I'm just saying... Advertising has become a necessary evil to a certain extent... It is used to pay for certain things and ensures certain sides of a business... However when i go to a movie theater and I'm already paying for a movie ticket why the f*** do i have to sit through commercials... What are they paying for... The popcorn? Erm... Sorry... Already payer for that... 5 lei... Maybe the adds cover my soda... Wait, no... 5 lei... Maybe, just maybe I will get a commemorative trinket from the movie i just saw... Not really... That's going to be even more than the ticket, the popcorn and the soda put together...
So what it looks like to me here is that advertising in movie theaters don't really pay for anything... I get no discount, no free candy, no cookies, not even a god damn taco crust! I... GET... SH!T... All I get is bombarded with crap, insulted by morons and taken advantage of by paper pushing cocksuckers... This is life and it f****** sucks...
Stand by for a message from our sponsors...
The morons suicide guide to the afterlife... Available in stores now...
Batteries not included f******!
1. Luati cartea cea mai la îndemâna, deschideti-o la pagina 18 si scrieti al patrulea rând.
E o pagina goala (WTF?)
Pagina17, randul 4: "zhansky, R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, David Lack, Michael Lerner,"
2. Fara sa verificati, cât e ora?
3. Verificati.
4. Cu ce sunteti îmbracat(a)?
Pantaloni scurti... Atat...
5. Înainte de a raspunde la acest chestionar la ce va uitati?
6. Ce zgomot auziti în afara de cel al calculatorului?
Pasarele... Si un latrat de caine :D
7. Când ati iesit ultima data si unde ati fost?
Azi dimineata in parc...
8. Ce ati visat ieri noapte?
Nu mai tin minte :(
9. Când ati râs ultima data?
10. Ce aveti pe pereti în încaperea în care sunteti?
Doua masti tiki si doua dreamcatchere...
11. Care-i ultimul film pe care l-ati vazut?
Alice in Wonderland -
12. Ati vazut ceva ciudat azi?
Din pacate nu...
13. Ce parere aveti despre acest chestionar?
14. Spune-ne ceva ce nu stim înca.
Iaurtul este o fiinta vie >:)
15. Prenumele copilului tau, daca ar fi fetita.
Ioi... Da m-am si gandit la asa ceva...
16. Si daca ar fi baiat?
*facepalm* Citeste ce am scris mai sus...
17. V-ati gândit vreodata sa locuiti în strainatate?
Da... Da habar nu am unde... Numa la Oras nu...
18. Ce ati dori sa va spuna Dumnezeu la Portile Raiului?
"Can i take your order?"
19. Daca ati putea schimba ceva în lume, ce ar fi?
Nimik... E perfect asa cum e...
20. Va place sa dansati?
Not really...
21. George Bush?
George... NO
Bush... Sure
22. Ce ati vazut la televizor ultima data?
Stirile de la ora 5... Si iarasi un viol...
E o pagina goala (WTF?)
Pagina17, randul 4: "zhansky, R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, David Lack, Michael Lerner,"
2. Fara sa verificati, cât e ora?
3. Verificati.
4. Cu ce sunteti îmbracat(a)?
Pantaloni scurti... Atat...
5. Înainte de a raspunde la acest chestionar la ce va uitati?
6. Ce zgomot auziti în afara de cel al calculatorului?
Pasarele... Si un latrat de caine :D
7. Când ati iesit ultima data si unde ati fost?
Azi dimineata in parc...
8. Ce ati visat ieri noapte?
Nu mai tin minte :(
9. Când ati râs ultima data?
10. Ce aveti pe pereti în încaperea în care sunteti?
Doua masti tiki si doua dreamcatchere...
11. Care-i ultimul film pe care l-ati vazut?
Alice in Wonderland -
12. Ati vazut ceva ciudat azi?
Din pacate nu...
13. Ce parere aveti despre acest chestionar?
14. Spune-ne ceva ce nu stim înca.
Iaurtul este o fiinta vie >:)
15. Prenumele copilului tau, daca ar fi fetita.
Ioi... Da m-am si gandit la asa ceva...
16. Si daca ar fi baiat?
*facepalm* Citeste ce am scris mai sus...
17. V-ati gândit vreodata sa locuiti în strainatate?
Da... Da habar nu am unde... Numa la Oras nu...
18. Ce ati dori sa va spuna Dumnezeu la Portile Raiului?
"Can i take your order?"
19. Daca ati putea schimba ceva în lume, ce ar fi?
Nimik... E perfect asa cum e...
20. Va place sa dansati?
Not really...
21. George Bush?
George... NO
Bush... Sure
22. Ce ati vazut la televizor ultima data?
Stirile de la ora 5... Si iarasi un viol...
You know... I f****** can't stand smokers... Not your average smoker that actually smokes... I'm taking about the half-hatred quitter...
Now... There are two types of quitters... The ones that go "You know what? I quit" and actually quit and never pick up a cigarette again... I like these people... There strong willed beings that deserve a big piece of cake, or sugary item of there choice...
Then there is the other type of quitter... The "I have been trying to quit for ten years now" quitter... The f****** weak willed jackass that smokes for one week, quits for three days and then starts right up again cause he/she needs there fix and can't handle reality without there dose of nicotine...
Now just beacuse they decided to quit every time something goes wrong they get all out of shape and depressed and for some reason try to take it all out on you, the non smoker!
Well guess what? I'm not dealing with that sh!t... F*** these halfassed quitters and there emotional roller coasters... If you are a quitter f****** quit! If you are a smoke, smoke your f****** brains out... Don't be one of these retarded pussy assholes that "want to quit but just can't do it"...
Don't go around ruining everybody's day just because you cant get a freaking cigarette... And you know, that's what they do...
Now just because someone is going through nicotine withdraws these brain-dead, overdeveloped cum-shots are bursting into tears or set themselves on fire just because something minor went wrong...
And a lot of these assholes go "well you don't really understand unless you're a smoker..."
Frankly I don't really give a sh!t... Just because some moron had to smoke and get addicted to nicotine twelve years ago I have to be thoughtful, understanding and supportive on there road to recovery... Screw that...
I went through my whole life making sure I didn't smoke... But now, because some assclown didn't have the will power to say no and got hooked twelve years ago I have to take there moody bullsh!t?
F*** them... F*** them all up the ass with a pack of cigarettes and three cigars...
These undecided waste of DNA need to make up there f****** mind... You ether are a smoker or not... Find out which one and bee that person... And if you can't decide stay the f*** away from me and eat some of those nicotine patches until your eyes turn yellow... Stop bothering me with your pathetic crap...
Now... There are two types of quitters... The ones that go "You know what? I quit" and actually quit and never pick up a cigarette again... I like these people... There strong willed beings that deserve a big piece of cake, or sugary item of there choice...
Then there is the other type of quitter... The "I have been trying to quit for ten years now" quitter... The f****** weak willed jackass that smokes for one week, quits for three days and then starts right up again cause he/she needs there fix and can't handle reality without there dose of nicotine...
Now just beacuse they decided to quit every time something goes wrong they get all out of shape and depressed and for some reason try to take it all out on you, the non smoker!
Well guess what? I'm not dealing with that sh!t... F*** these halfassed quitters and there emotional roller coasters... If you are a quitter f****** quit! If you are a smoke, smoke your f****** brains out... Don't be one of these retarded pussy assholes that "want to quit but just can't do it"...
Don't go around ruining everybody's day just because you cant get a freaking cigarette... And you know, that's what they do...
Now just because someone is going through nicotine withdraws these brain-dead, overdeveloped cum-shots are bursting into tears or set themselves on fire just because something minor went wrong...
And a lot of these assholes go "well you don't really understand unless you're a smoker..."
Frankly I don't really give a sh!t... Just because some moron had to smoke and get addicted to nicotine twelve years ago I have to be thoughtful, understanding and supportive on there road to recovery... Screw that...
I went through my whole life making sure I didn't smoke... But now, because some assclown didn't have the will power to say no and got hooked twelve years ago I have to take there moody bullsh!t?
F*** them... F*** them all up the ass with a pack of cigarettes and three cigars...
These undecided waste of DNA need to make up there f****** mind... You ether are a smoker or not... Find out which one and bee that person... And if you can't decide stay the f*** away from me and eat some of those nicotine patches until your eyes turn yellow... Stop bothering me with your pathetic crap...
Women... I implore you... STOP DECEIVING MEN! Seriously...
And I know some of you out there go "Huh? I don't device anyone... I'm nice and sweet and everyone likes me..."
I don't know if you women realize it but every morning you go through a lot of trouble just do deceive men... It's like, you wake up in the morning, you put on a pound of makeup, strap on that push-up bra to make your boobs seem all perky, you extend your lashes, add hair extensions, rosie up those cheeks, wear contacts to change your eye color, dye your hair, shave your legs, armpits, some of you your face, and so on...
Folks, if you have to do so much upkeep to hide your true appearance you are not that attractive in the first place... ACCEPT IT!
Now here's where the deceitful part begins... Now that you dressed you up to look like a New York geisha hooker where do you go from there? Your looks will, in the end, attract some guy, you get into a relationship, even eventually get married, all the while keeping up appearances... Then one day the guy rolls over hooks at you without your makeup on and says "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? I DON'T KNOW YOU! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL! FUGLY!"
SO... Now this guy sees you in all your "natural glory", no makeup to cover up that wart on your cheek, no push up bra that hide your saggy boobs that are really a B cup, not a DD that push up bra led him to believe... Now to him your boobs are just a pair of saggy flesh bags that are utterly repulsive...
Now the guy starts using the "letting yourself go" line... When in reality you are simply looking the way nature intended you to... Which makes you feel even worse about yourself... So now you do buy that age defying, teen hooker makeup and apply, and reapply until you look like some kind of Cosmo rendition of a female Joker...
Ladies... I know the whole makeup thing is there to make you look all attractive, but seriously, the facade has to come down one day... And guys and other women will see you as you really are... Wouldn't it be better to just bee yourself all the time rather than hide your flaws under powder and lipstick? I think so... Nobody likes to be disappointed... So just be yourself all the time and people will know what to expect...
And therefore you will NEVER disappoint...
And I know some of you out there go "Huh? I don't device anyone... I'm nice and sweet and everyone likes me..."
I don't know if you women realize it but every morning you go through a lot of trouble just do deceive men... It's like, you wake up in the morning, you put on a pound of makeup, strap on that push-up bra to make your boobs seem all perky, you extend your lashes, add hair extensions, rosie up those cheeks, wear contacts to change your eye color, dye your hair, shave your legs, armpits, some of you your face, and so on...
Folks, if you have to do so much upkeep to hide your true appearance you are not that attractive in the first place... ACCEPT IT!
Now here's where the deceitful part begins... Now that you dressed you up to look like a New York geisha hooker where do you go from there? Your looks will, in the end, attract some guy, you get into a relationship, even eventually get married, all the while keeping up appearances... Then one day the guy rolls over hooks at you without your makeup on and says "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? I DON'T KNOW YOU! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL! FUGLY!"
SO... Now this guy sees you in all your "natural glory", no makeup to cover up that wart on your cheek, no push up bra that hide your saggy boobs that are really a B cup, not a DD that push up bra led him to believe... Now to him your boobs are just a pair of saggy flesh bags that are utterly repulsive...
Now the guy starts using the "letting yourself go" line... When in reality you are simply looking the way nature intended you to... Which makes you feel even worse about yourself... So now you do buy that age defying, teen hooker makeup and apply, and reapply until you look like some kind of Cosmo rendition of a female Joker...
Ladies... I know the whole makeup thing is there to make you look all attractive, but seriously, the facade has to come down one day... And guys and other women will see you as you really are... Wouldn't it be better to just bee yourself all the time rather than hide your flaws under powder and lipstick? I think so... Nobody likes to be disappointed... So just be yourself all the time and people will know what to expect...
And therefore you will NEVER disappoint...
He and She...
This is going to be dating advice from THE LORD AND MASTER... Poke
So... Alright... You women out there listen closely... These guys you should watch out for...
The type of guy driving around listening to f****** dance music like Zombie Nation or other songs from the mid 90' that nobody gives a f*** about... You know... The kind of guy driving by expecting you to jump on the hood, pounding on the windshield yelling "OMG! I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU LISTEN TO ZOMBIE NATION!" Whatever...
I say you aim for the tires and hope he crashes into a phone booth... F****** prick...
And watch out for those guys that come over on the weekends to watch the game... And every five minutes they say "Hey babe, why don't you get me a beer?"
F*** that sh!t and tell the fat bastard to get it himself...
But then he gives you the response "Well i work all week!"
But I'm sure most women work all week and have to take care of a baby...
Tell the fat bastard to get his own f****** beer... The least thing he can do after you kept a child in your stomach for nine months...
These lazy f****** bastards piss me off!
An watch out for guys that call you pet names more than they call you by your real name... And if they call you, and I quote,"MY GIRL" drop them like a rock!
And not to get down on all you guys, don't worry! There are women out there you should be looking out for too...
Like a girl that dresses like a damn slut you don't want to be associated with... If you can see more cleavage than on a plumbers ass don't get involved! It's just going to be difficult when you decide to be possessive and domineering over there life..
Also watch out for women that wear excessive jewelry... You know... The kind of bitch that has like eleven rings on each finger... And women with nameplates... Those girls that wear there own name as jewelry around the neck... As is they f****** forget...
And women with a name tattooed on there body...
And here's a good test... If you are walking on the street and they pull you by the wrist over to a jewelry window... SMASH HER HEAD INTO THE WINDOW AND RUN!
You don't want to hook up with a money hungry bitch!
My only sound piece of advice in a relationship is to LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE! Don't be over concerned, don't try to control them, don't try to dominate them... Let each other be independent... Do you people think you can understand that?
But there are moments to be suspicions... Like if he/she walks in the room with a condom on her head you have the right to be suspicious... Ask questions...
But other than that just try to trust each other and it will all work out fine...
If it still dose not work just let him/her drop dead from some weird disease...
You are better than that and you don't have to validate your life to someone else's life...
Each individual is an island and can be an island... You do not need another person to live your life... Stop seeking something that isn't there and move on...
Oh... and one more thing... When you are with her/him don't look at your friends to find a confirmation to what you do/did/should do!
Over-possessive sluts/man-whores who can't get there heads out of each other's junk... GOD!
So... Alright... You women out there listen closely... These guys you should watch out for...
The type of guy driving around listening to f****** dance music like Zombie Nation or other songs from the mid 90' that nobody gives a f*** about... You know... The kind of guy driving by expecting you to jump on the hood, pounding on the windshield yelling "OMG! I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU LISTEN TO ZOMBIE NATION!" Whatever...
I say you aim for the tires and hope he crashes into a phone booth... F****** prick...
And watch out for those guys that come over on the weekends to watch the game... And every five minutes they say "Hey babe, why don't you get me a beer?"
F*** that sh!t and tell the fat bastard to get it himself...
But then he gives you the response "Well i work all week!"
But I'm sure most women work all week and have to take care of a baby...
Tell the fat bastard to get his own f****** beer... The least thing he can do after you kept a child in your stomach for nine months...
These lazy f****** bastards piss me off!
An watch out for guys that call you pet names more than they call you by your real name... And if they call you, and I quote,"MY GIRL" drop them like a rock!
And not to get down on all you guys, don't worry! There are women out there you should be looking out for too...
Like a girl that dresses like a damn slut you don't want to be associated with... If you can see more cleavage than on a plumbers ass don't get involved! It's just going to be difficult when you decide to be possessive and domineering over there life..
Also watch out for women that wear excessive jewelry... You know... The kind of bitch that has like eleven rings on each finger... And women with nameplates... Those girls that wear there own name as jewelry around the neck... As is they f****** forget...
And women with a name tattooed on there body...
And here's a good test... If you are walking on the street and they pull you by the wrist over to a jewelry window... SMASH HER HEAD INTO THE WINDOW AND RUN!
You don't want to hook up with a money hungry bitch!
My only sound piece of advice in a relationship is to LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE! Don't be over concerned, don't try to control them, don't try to dominate them... Let each other be independent... Do you people think you can understand that?
But there are moments to be suspicions... Like if he/she walks in the room with a condom on her head you have the right to be suspicious... Ask questions...
But other than that just try to trust each other and it will all work out fine...
If it still dose not work just let him/her drop dead from some weird disease...
You are better than that and you don't have to validate your life to someone else's life...
Each individual is an island and can be an island... You do not need another person to live your life... Stop seeking something that isn't there and move on...
Oh... and one more thing... When you are with her/him don't look at your friends to find a confirmation to what you do/did/should do!
Over-possessive sluts/man-whores who can't get there heads out of each other's junk... GOD!
This is going to be a touchy subject for all you retarded potheads out there... All u freaking retards that scream around "legalize medicinal marijuana"... I can tell you for sure that these people do not give two sh!ts about the medicinal benefits of marijuana... They just wanna get high without getting knocked out by the cops... That's all it is... Don't... Let... Them... Fool... You...
I'm sick of all the "bla-bla-bla-bla-bla, marijuana..."
"Hey, did you know they can make very nice pants out of hemp? They can make very durable clothing from hemp"... Yeah... And it feels like f****** burlap you freaking f***tards... Who in the hell would wanna walk around in something that fells like a potato sac? Maybe you do... I don't...
And when they interview the head guy from these organizations it's some freaking hacky sack playing, pot smoking dumbass with little read beady eyes lying through the teeth and giggling like an idiot... Don't give me your "It's a legitimate form of medicine"...
Yeah... Great... Just what our health care system needs now... A bunch of broke potheads running into each hospital to score some free weed payed for by tax payers so they can get high because they came up with some f******, stupid, dumbass, fake disease...
"My eye hurts... Gimme some pot doc..."
Ok... Well know what to do? Light up the joint and you put it on your eye... THAT'S my prescription...
I'm sick and tired of hearing *Well it relieves stress*...
You people are the worst...
One: You are weak will...
Two: You are f****** pathetic...
"Oh, i had a stressful day so I gotta have some pot..."
Give me a f****** break!
You people just can't deal with reality and that's your problem... I don't give a rats ass about "I had a stressful day..."
Big f****** deal... The rest of the world had a stressful day... Yet they got over it without "I need some pot man..."
Get used to it... It's called life... Deal with it...
Oh and then they try to throw it right back at you...
"Well, I'm sure you got some addictions..."
Oh yeah... I drink a beer with my friends... I like to drink cola... And now I'm the f****** addict here... JESUS CHRIST!
Oh yeah... WoW too... I'm drugging myself with pixels... Look out... GETTING HIGH ON THEM PIXELS!
You f****** def bastard...
And now that we got to other drugs lets talk about the crack-heads, and all the other mother f****** who need some kind of substance to get through the day... You know... This is the problem with society... Everybody is got to have some kind of quick fix... Why can't those people just say "Hey, this is life. Life is not enjoyable... I had a stressful day... I'm just gonna go take a nap..."
No... I'm gonna whip out the crack and I'm gonna have six lines... Nice...
You people are pathetic and I hope you people get shot in the head during a drug abuse that went wrong... If you think you had a stressful day try having a bullet removed from your head... That's stressful...
And don't think I'm picking on the illegal drug users out there... How about you "parents" that are on fifteen thousand medications... "There for depression, for post..."
For post-whatever!
"Oh, I'm not happy. Maybe I'm depressive..."
Lighten up... Nobody deals with there emotions anymore...
And that's the best... These f****** parents lecture there children about doing drugs, yet they are swallowing all these anti depressives and flushing it down with alcohol... Nice...
Stop being hypocritical you dumb bastards... If you want to lecture your kids you have to be in the right position to do it...
You don't say "One moments Hun, I just got to get my anti depressives and I'll be right back so we can talk about your drug problem..."
Doesn't anyone see the irony in that?
And the majority of the population is on some kind of prescribed whatever...
Yeah... I went to the doctor and he went "You should take this, and this, and this... And that will stop that running nose of yours..."
Well why don't I just have patience until my immune system takes over and kills the virus?
"Ah, well I guess you could do that... But here's a prescription just in case..."
Do you even realize the side effects those things can have on you? I swear to god that on one pack it said "Side effects may include hallucinations"...
I'd rather have a running nose... Fine... I might have some snot on my upper lip... But at least I'm not seeing Elvis in my refrigerator!
And for the f****** that already are on this sh!t, don't try pushing onto others, like your kid...
"Maybe Bobby has some Attention Deficit Disorder!"
Well what if the disorder lies with the parent and not with the child?
Go into the bathroom, look in the mirror and if you still don't know READ THIS AGAIN!
Retarded bunch of table sniffing crack heads...
I'm sick of all the "bla-bla-bla-bla-bla, marijuana..."
"Hey, did you know they can make very nice pants out of hemp? They can make very durable clothing from hemp"... Yeah... And it feels like f****** burlap you freaking f***tards... Who in the hell would wanna walk around in something that fells like a potato sac? Maybe you do... I don't...
And when they interview the head guy from these organizations it's some freaking hacky sack playing, pot smoking dumbass with little read beady eyes lying through the teeth and giggling like an idiot... Don't give me your "It's a legitimate form of medicine"...
Yeah... Great... Just what our health care system needs now... A bunch of broke potheads running into each hospital to score some free weed payed for by tax payers so they can get high because they came up with some f******, stupid, dumbass, fake disease...
"My eye hurts... Gimme some pot doc..."
Ok... Well know what to do? Light up the joint and you put it on your eye... THAT'S my prescription...
I'm sick and tired of hearing *Well it relieves stress*...
You people are the worst...
One: You are weak will...
Two: You are f****** pathetic...
"Oh, i had a stressful day so I gotta have some pot..."
Give me a f****** break!
You people just can't deal with reality and that's your problem... I don't give a rats ass about "I had a stressful day..."
Big f****** deal... The rest of the world had a stressful day... Yet they got over it without "I need some pot man..."
Get used to it... It's called life... Deal with it...
Oh and then they try to throw it right back at you...
"Well, I'm sure you got some addictions..."
Oh yeah... I drink a beer with my friends... I like to drink cola... And now I'm the f****** addict here... JESUS CHRIST!
Oh yeah... WoW too... I'm drugging myself with pixels... Look out... GETTING HIGH ON THEM PIXELS!
You f****** def bastard...
And now that we got to other drugs lets talk about the crack-heads, and all the other mother f****** who need some kind of substance to get through the day... You know... This is the problem with society... Everybody is got to have some kind of quick fix... Why can't those people just say "Hey, this is life. Life is not enjoyable... I had a stressful day... I'm just gonna go take a nap..."
No... I'm gonna whip out the crack and I'm gonna have six lines... Nice...
You people are pathetic and I hope you people get shot in the head during a drug abuse that went wrong... If you think you had a stressful day try having a bullet removed from your head... That's stressful...
And don't think I'm picking on the illegal drug users out there... How about you "parents" that are on fifteen thousand medications... "There for depression, for post..."
For post-whatever!
"Oh, I'm not happy. Maybe I'm depressive..."
Lighten up... Nobody deals with there emotions anymore...
And that's the best... These f****** parents lecture there children about doing drugs, yet they are swallowing all these anti depressives and flushing it down with alcohol... Nice...
Stop being hypocritical you dumb bastards... If you want to lecture your kids you have to be in the right position to do it...
You don't say "One moments Hun, I just got to get my anti depressives and I'll be right back so we can talk about your drug problem..."
Doesn't anyone see the irony in that?
And the majority of the population is on some kind of prescribed whatever...
Yeah... I went to the doctor and he went "You should take this, and this, and this... And that will stop that running nose of yours..."
Well why don't I just have patience until my immune system takes over and kills the virus?
"Ah, well I guess you could do that... But here's a prescription just in case..."
Do you even realize the side effects those things can have on you? I swear to god that on one pack it said "Side effects may include hallucinations"...
I'd rather have a running nose... Fine... I might have some snot on my upper lip... But at least I'm not seeing Elvis in my refrigerator!
And for the f****** that already are on this sh!t, don't try pushing onto others, like your kid...
"Maybe Bobby has some Attention Deficit Disorder!"
Well what if the disorder lies with the parent and not with the child?
Go into the bathroom, look in the mirror and if you still don't know READ THIS AGAIN!
Retarded bunch of table sniffing crack heads...
Save the planet!
Let me start off by saying I'm all for the environment... Cause I live in it... And it's in my best interest to keep it clean...
But I hate the god damn environmental Nazi propaganda being spewed out by everyone and there mother! This is only to fear people into *going green*... Freakin' green Nazi...
I don't know about you, but I'm not brain-dead and I do NOT need to be lectured about the *serious ramifications I'm having on the environment*...
I don't need a uptight moron bitching at me because I bought something in a plastic cup...
"That will remain in a landfill for hundreds of years..."
And speaking of landfills... THAT'S WHAT THE BRAINS OF THESE LECTURING ASSHOLES ARE... Mental landfills eagerly open to any idea dumped into there hallow skulls just as long it gives them a mightier than now feeling and a sense of a validated existence... Get over yourself!
But what's even worse are the mass manufactured shirts for 4 year olds that say "Go Green" or "Stop global warming" with a picture of a sweating penguin on it... Way to go... Encourage the purchase of mass manufactured, wearable propaganda, created by child labor located in some 3rd world country, in a factory that's spewing out more fumes than a tire fire!
Thanks Lil' Ms Soccer-Mom... Now you can pick up your "Go Green", Apollo wearing brats in your gas-guzzling SUV, but not before stopping by your best friends house to talk about how awesome you are because you recycled your newspaper...
And speaking of children... Having kids is the worst thing you can do for the environment... Yeah... They are biodegradable... But think about it... You just brought into the world one or two, or in some cases twelve, little beings that will waste billions of dollars in valuable resources throwout there lifetime...
So the next time you plan to lecture someone about there "abundant use of resources" take a look at that picture of A.D.D. Annie or Down Syndrome Donnie and remember... You f***** the planet most than anybody else just because you couldn't keep your legs closed at prom night... Alright?
But if you are really serious about saving the planet you can always sacrifice your children to the goddess of nature... WOOHOO! NATURE!
But, in all seriousness, most people aren't that committed... Which is just lame...
So until then I don't want to hear sh!t about my f****** little plastic cup... OK???
On a similar note tho, why don't environmentalists just kill themselves in a mass protest suicide... I mean... Nobody should know more about the impact of man on the environment than they do... Right? Right?
People are causing all the problems then logically we need less people... So if you are an environmentalist and you don't kill yourself you are just being selfish... Just by being alive you are killing the planet... You can't go green if you are breathing... THE END!
Resource wasting, self righteous bastards...
But I hate the god damn environmental Nazi propaganda being spewed out by everyone and there mother! This is only to fear people into *going green*... Freakin' green Nazi...
I don't know about you, but I'm not brain-dead and I do NOT need to be lectured about the *serious ramifications I'm having on the environment*...
I don't need a uptight moron bitching at me because I bought something in a plastic cup...
"That will remain in a landfill for hundreds of years..."
And speaking of landfills... THAT'S WHAT THE BRAINS OF THESE LECTURING ASSHOLES ARE... Mental landfills eagerly open to any idea dumped into there hallow skulls just as long it gives them a mightier than now feeling and a sense of a validated existence... Get over yourself!
But what's even worse are the mass manufactured shirts for 4 year olds that say "Go Green" or "Stop global warming" with a picture of a sweating penguin on it... Way to go... Encourage the purchase of mass manufactured, wearable propaganda, created by child labor located in some 3rd world country, in a factory that's spewing out more fumes than a tire fire!
Thanks Lil' Ms Soccer-Mom... Now you can pick up your "Go Green", Apollo wearing brats in your gas-guzzling SUV, but not before stopping by your best friends house to talk about how awesome you are because you recycled your newspaper...
And speaking of children... Having kids is the worst thing you can do for the environment... Yeah... They are biodegradable... But think about it... You just brought into the world one or two, or in some cases twelve, little beings that will waste billions of dollars in valuable resources throwout there lifetime...
So the next time you plan to lecture someone about there "abundant use of resources" take a look at that picture of A.D.D. Annie or Down Syndrome Donnie and remember... You f***** the planet most than anybody else just because you couldn't keep your legs closed at prom night... Alright?
But if you are really serious about saving the planet you can always sacrifice your children to the goddess of nature... WOOHOO! NATURE!
But, in all seriousness, most people aren't that committed... Which is just lame...
So until then I don't want to hear sh!t about my f****** little plastic cup... OK???
On a similar note tho, why don't environmentalists just kill themselves in a mass protest suicide... I mean... Nobody should know more about the impact of man on the environment than they do... Right? Right?
People are causing all the problems then logically we need less people... So if you are an environmentalist and you don't kill yourself you are just being selfish... Just by being alive you are killing the planet... You can't go green if you are breathing... THE END!
Resource wasting, self righteous bastards...
There are a lot of folks out there that are into politics... And they go above and beyond to express there opinions and support the candidate they feel is *best for the job*...
I mean, doesn't it seem like every politician in the office is a jackass?
Well, he or she will say *he is a politician who really cares*... Bulcrap...
Politicians... Don't... Care... Not one bit...
Who in the hell gave you the impression that one of them (at least) is *working in the interest of the people*? I'd like a list please...
"Well *insert random person name here* just passed a bill to..."
What? Whatever...
Most of the bills passed are just to protect major corporations while slowly dripping away at your rights as an individual... Don't believe me? Go ahead... Just look into the "historical use law" intended by the R.I.A.A.... I'd go into it further, but that's your homework for today...
Speaking of homework... Why is everyone such a dumbass?!?!? Is the educational system so pore that it's creating a generation of mindless consumers that have no opinion and are perpetually stuck in a semi-conscious state? I know we lost a few of you already... But don't you find it odd that the public school systems have been producing sh!t for the last 40 years?
"Well the schools aren't getting the necessary funding..."
Well why is that?
"The politicians aren't giving schools the necessary funding..."
"I don't know... I went to public school..."
They want to keep you dumb... They don't need intelligent people... Who is easier to control? A nit-witted fool or a free thinker? Look at china... Good... Now compare it with japan...
What better way to control the people than to control what they see in school?
If knowledge is power and somebody is controlling who gets the knowledge who has the power? Making sense?
"No. Because I went to public school and I enjoy my career at the mall..."
Ok... Now that We have established the fact that politicians underfund public schools to keep people dumb what about those special people who have the possibilities to go to a private school? Surely they have a better shot at earning an education....
True... But not to worry... They have found ways to keep them distracted... They bombard them with all sort of online, monthly fee, life sucking riddled games they will put on there credit cards that will keep them perpetually in debt and perpetually working to pay off that game of WarCraft they started playing... I may be a WoW player as well... But at least I'm not paying for it...
But not to worry... I bet one of these *caring politicians* will swoop down from the sky and save your life with some kind of credit card interest block... Or maybe they will just "clone" you a few bucks to pay off your bills... Now there's a caring politician...
Freakin' bunch of butmunching governmental slave chimps...
I mean, doesn't it seem like every politician in the office is a jackass?
Well, he or she will say *he is a politician who really cares*... Bulcrap...
Politicians... Don't... Care... Not one bit...
Who in the hell gave you the impression that one of them (at least) is *working in the interest of the people*? I'd like a list please...
"Well *insert random person name here* just passed a bill to..."
What? Whatever...
Most of the bills passed are just to protect major corporations while slowly dripping away at your rights as an individual... Don't believe me? Go ahead... Just look into the "historical use law" intended by the R.I.A.A.... I'd go into it further, but that's your homework for today...
Speaking of homework... Why is everyone such a dumbass?!?!? Is the educational system so pore that it's creating a generation of mindless consumers that have no opinion and are perpetually stuck in a semi-conscious state? I know we lost a few of you already... But don't you find it odd that the public school systems have been producing sh!t for the last 40 years?
"Well the schools aren't getting the necessary funding..."
Well why is that?
"The politicians aren't giving schools the necessary funding..."
"I don't know... I went to public school..."
They want to keep you dumb... They don't need intelligent people... Who is easier to control? A nit-witted fool or a free thinker? Look at china... Good... Now compare it with japan...
What better way to control the people than to control what they see in school?
If knowledge is power and somebody is controlling who gets the knowledge who has the power? Making sense?
"No. Because I went to public school and I enjoy my career at the mall..."
Ok... Now that We have established the fact that politicians underfund public schools to keep people dumb what about those special people who have the possibilities to go to a private school? Surely they have a better shot at earning an education....
True... But not to worry... They have found ways to keep them distracted... They bombard them with all sort of online, monthly fee, life sucking riddled games they will put on there credit cards that will keep them perpetually in debt and perpetually working to pay off that game of WarCraft they started playing... I may be a WoW player as well... But at least I'm not paying for it...
But not to worry... I bet one of these *caring politicians* will swoop down from the sky and save your life with some kind of credit card interest block... Or maybe they will just "clone" you a few bucks to pay off your bills... Now there's a caring politician...
Freakin' bunch of butmunching governmental slave chimps...
Here it starts...
It's just simply pissing me off... PISSING ME OFF I SAID!
This world is filled with idiocracy... Stupidity... Narrow minded, shallow people that can't get there own head out of there... Ahem... Rectums...
This blogg will be dedicated to all the little things that piss me off... Like politicians for example... I hate politicians... Wanna see them all DEAD!
But not just politicians... Noooooooo...
General idiocracy... All the little things that grind down the walls of our mind... Ok... My mind...
This world is filled with idiocracy... Stupidity... Narrow minded, shallow people that can't get there own head out of there... Ahem... Rectums...
This blogg will be dedicated to all the little things that piss me off... Like politicians for example... I hate politicians... Wanna see them all DEAD!
But not just politicians... Noooooooo...
General idiocracy... All the little things that grind down the walls of our mind... Ok... My mind...
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